Monday, May 02, 2005

Another Monday...

Another week starting off insanely tired. There's nothing worse than lying in bed in that semi-lucid, totally non-REM state of anti-sleep. I feel my eyes drifting slowly shut, but my mind prevents me from fully giving in. What's on my mind? The daily stresses of another work week, man I'm going to start running again tomorrow, I'm totally going to ask Date out, I shouldn't have drunken that Coke an hour ago, etc. etc. etc. Then the game starts; it's the same game you play when you decide to stay out late on a week night. I glance at the clock and furtively try to determine "if I fall asleep right now I can get X hours of sleep". Invariably this tete-a-tete plays out more than a few times and the answer is always: nope, it's never enough.

So I flip my pillows over, open a window, close my eyes, get up, try reading a book, turn on the radio, close my eyes, get up, try reading a magazine and reset my alarm for an extra 40 minutes, resulting in my current bleary-eyed state and a parking spot over in the dreaded far lot. The only thing getting me through the day is a meeting with a higher-up regarding some spec ads that I did for my class a while back. (You know I think I should figure a way to put them up somehow.)

Honestly, the next time someone asks me what I would wish for if I had three wishes they would be as follows (as of right now): 1) the ability to get a full night's rest at all times, 2) the lack of end slices on all loaves of bread, while also maintaining the same level of freshness guaranteed by said end slices, 3) Leelee Sobieski at my beck and call.


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