Wednesday, June 16, 2004

an old friend

I am never a person to hold grudges. I may pout, stew, and whine, but bygones tend to be bygones. For those of you who have known me for some time may recall my "falling out" with Krissy.

I meet her my junior year at BU and we immediately hit it off. We were in the same major and shared many a class together. We even lived in the same building, so we were able to walk to and from class with each other. It seems that people thought that we should have been dating. She was definitely a cute girl, but I was dating Lauren at the time (big mistake) and she was dating this guy Jake. In hindsight Lauren and Jake were made for each other: both Jewish and incredibly, horrifically anal.

Long story short... Do not let friends borrow money. Loaning your best friends money is no biggie, because things like that tend to even out. A drink here, grabbing the check there. But when you front someone a $300 plane ticket, you had be better making the "amore". That was the summer after graduation, so almost two years ago and we haven't spoken since then. A few weeks ago we were both put in the awkward position of meeting up. Our common friend Matt (my boy) was the mediator of this little get together and through him we realized how silly and petty this all was. I was nervous, she was nervous. We should have dated, it sure felt like meeting an ex.

A few margaritas later and it was just like the good old days at BU. Krissy is one crazy "craka" who I am glad is back in my life.


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