Thursday, June 10, 2004

urban renewal

Everyone morning I trek the same path to work. Get off at South Station, walk across the bridge, turn down the street, right into the building and up an ungodly four flights of stairs. This past Monday, I was greeted with the unpleasant sight of a dead pigeon. This bird did not die of natural causes mind you (although I have seen pigeons fall out of the sky before, perishing of heat exhaustion), but it looks to have been hit by a motor vehicle. Beats me how a bird can get hit by a car, the whole flying thing and all, but SPLAT. Dead as can be. Flat as can be, too. I degress...

It's been a gradual process that I only realized today. No one really makes an effort to step around the carcass anymore. It seems that the bird has become one with the pavement. There is no more blood or goo. Only a few feathers.

Urban renewal at its finest.


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