Monday, July 26, 2004

Saw I, Robot this weekend. And much to everyone else's disagreement I thought it was a pretty good movie. Quite frankly I think the movie was marketed all wrong. This wasn't your typical Will Smith summer blockbuster fare. There was no comedic cornball angle, no one getting jiggy with it and we are still waiting on the Pepsi/Taco Bell tie-ins. Instead it was a psychological thriller with Smith flexing his acting chops just as much as his still Ali-esque muscles.

But that might be due to the fact that I went into it with absolutely no expectations whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, I know about the great hype machine that has been working overdrive the past few weeks, putting Will Smith's mug everywhere I turn. I can handle the MTV specials, and the endless trailers during prime time coverage, but the 10 feet posters hanging in the Galleria was a bit much.

Long story short: if science fiction has ever taught us anything it is.... to never give computers Artificial Intelligence. Bad things man, bad things.

With that being said, check this bad Larry out: 20 Q's


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