Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Hang on

Sorry that things have been so quiet around here, but I've been pretty busy of late. Work has really ramped up and I've been really pressing myself to work on some spec ads for my book. Inspiration tends to occur in cycles for me and I'm trying to ride it out for as long as I can. I have rewarded myself for such diligence by spending some quality time catching up on some reading. It also seems that my summer cold just won't quit and has left me hounding for more sleep than usual. That combined with juggling three fantasy baseball teams and some freelance work on the side has left me precious time to check in. But on the plus side there was nary a slivered finger in my take-out tonight.

Stories regarding my latest Date du jour, the status of my latest hair-brained plan and a potentially life-altering decision to come.


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