Monday, May 28, 2007

Just a few thoughts in my head whilst I sat in Memorial Day traffic

  1. If/when I ever get a dog he needs to have a cool name. I figure it will be good practice for having a child, only I'm 99% sure that I'll never get to name my son/daughter after a famous scientist, my favorite sneaker, an ex-girlfriend or something else as equally random. With that being said I've narrowed things down to a few choices:
    • Marley, or Marjele if he's has "that" look to him
    • the Dunks
    • Darwin
    • Fynn

  2. When I get a job in the city, should I just stick to the T and my sneaks or do I want to go all in and get that shiny, red scooter I've wanted for pretty much my adult life?

  3. I can't believe I got a girl's number by helping her carry her groceries home. And playing with her dogs. Wow, my life does have good writers. Perhaps, this lead to thought #1 above.

  4. Spiderman 3 was a really bad movie. When 14 out of 15 friends tell you so, my boss being the sole voice of dissent, you should listen to them.

  5. OK I've got a two weddings this summer. One on the 23rd July and the 11th of August. That means I should get my haircut somewhere between July 15-19 to have enough time for it to grow out and look "hot" for maximum bridesmaid time.


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