Saturday, May 12, 2007

the "move"

I'm gonna make Gretzky's head bleed for super fan 99 over here.
One of the seminal moments of the seminal male-bonding movie, Swingers, is the above mentioned NHL 96-scene where the "Great One" was literally put in his place. I don't know about you, but that's a pretty shoddy way for a legend to go out. Maybe if he wasn't ranked a mere 78 overall, while other lesser stars of the day hovered north of 90. I'm looking at you J. Roenick, P. Bure and P. Yseabart (shudder). It's funny how sometimes the G.O.A.T never get the respect they deserve. But then again what takes an athlete from mere all-star to all-time is the intangibles. And how can you calculate the intangibles?

The point of my ramblings is that if you know the game, you know the movie, you are a red-blooded American male between the ages of 24-33 then you know the game and more importantly you know "the move". Left, right, left triple dekeand then glove side...UNSTOPPABLE.

If only life were that easy. So another year, another Founder's Day and another day of rain. Actually it wasn't a total rain out, just the three and a half hours that some sun would have been nice. Namely during the BBQ and supposed street hockey games that we were going to play...sigh. But at least it was nice enough outside for my early morning commute and late afternoon indoor film showing. Just like real estate and comedy...timing, timing, timing and location, location, location.

So what's on my list of "moves" I need to make. First, lets figure out this career thing. Namely where am I going with it? Back to school? Here? There? New York/Chicago/SD/LA? Starbucks? Either way, I'm not letting the dream die. "Oh no thank you Mr. Hefner. The grotto was better than imagined and thank you for the robe."

After that, make good on my word/heart and be the friend I need to be to the person who means the world to me. Just because you're far, doesn't mean I can write you out. Sorry...

And in more interesting/scandalous news, I will be calling Snow White this weekend because after some failed lunch plans and an epic game of phone tag, I've got only got a few days or so left before it's "buddy mode". Maybe she's my latest crush du jour, but I'm not pie in the sky, head over heels, so that usually means it's going to work out. I'll have an update in the next three days or I'll owe the first person to comment a Frosty.


At 10:36 AM, Blogger evantonio said...

Jeremy Roenick was unstoppable in that game because, let's be honest, he was unstoppable in real life. He was at the peak of his career and brought the hawks to the playoffs every season. A pretty amazing feat seeing how they haven't made it in the last 7+ seasons (not sure the exact number and don't care enough to google it)


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