Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I'm so over it

One of my lifelong aspirations was to be on MTV’s Real World. I have been an avid fan since its conception, faithfully watching it from the get go: the original New York season. Those long middle school weekends spent watching daylong Real World marathons... good times. I even remember Puck stealing Pedro's peanut butter, the utter peak of unintentional comedy. Perhaps only surpassed by David, from New Orleans, serenading us with "Come on be my baby tonight..."

Which lead us of course to the down time for the series, New Orleans and Miami were particularly boring, yet somehow still they satisfied a certain craving. What can I say about Las Vegas? I guess that's when things changed. I didn't really watch this season, but I knew it brought resurgence back to the Real World, in the "14 year old girls wearing thongs to class, Olsen Twins countdown to 18 kind of way. San Diego piqued my interest again and watching Big Rand, Free Brad, Jaquise and Robin's Twins was entertaining, but not was more spectacle than anything else. I guess I'm older now. Times are different now. I think that this really sums things up.

Boston.com `Real World' gets hot and bothersome


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