Monday, September 06, 2004

Weekend Recap

I have been in the Washington DC/Virginia area for the past few days spending some quality time with my family and Jason. Usually when I go I attempt the 8-hour/ 500-mile drive down, but not this time. Thanks to making the big bucks (hardly) I flew down. I’d say the 75-minute flight down was worth the $160.

  • My first full day started by overeating at a dim sum buffet. I wish I realized the amount of food and drink that I was to consume on this trip, but even if I did I don’t think I would have changed a thing.
  • Later on that evening Jon, Chris, Michelle, her boyfriend and myself went to see the Redskins play the Falcons and partake in a bit of tailgating. I’d like to say that I was able to see Mike Vick run around and be the video game that he is, but sadly we were stuck in traffic until the 2nd quarter. Granted I have seen live action NFL caliber football before, but this was the first time I actually got to be spectator and enjoy myself at the game. Sadly FedEx Field did not play a part in the enjoyment of the game. Granted it was a nice, clean relatively new football only stadium (soccer doesn’t count) but it’s no Gillette.

  • Did the touristy thing with Jason today: Monuments, memorials and museums. The one thing that differentiated our day was seeing all 50 Miss America contestants at the WWII Memorial. Odd sight at first, but when you get down to it they are just like everyone else, albeit with better posture and teeth.
  • Had a lot of fun in Georgetown and Dupont Circle. Had some damn good tamales, in fact some would say that they were incredible, but then I am reminded that this is the east coast any/and all Mexican food is only good if it comes within sight of the Pacific Ocean. Played wingman with Jason tonight. Meeting and chatting up cute girls is fun. Paying $23 for two drinks, not so much.
This chick's rocking your bro on the dance floor...But she's towin' an anchor,
A junior investment banker
Who's talkin' about herself and not much more. So buy her a beer,
It's the reason your here
Mighty Wingman You're takin' one for the team
So your buddy can live the dream

  • Woke up with a sore back from sleeping on the floor. I have prided myself on always managing to either sleep in my own bed, snag a couch or worm my way into someone’s else’s bed since high school, but sadly the streak has come to an end.
  • While the DC Metro may be clean and vagrant free it still has its foils. Namely that all the trains run on the same track and I ended up at Ronald Reagan International Airport and an hour away from where I was supposed to be. In Boston the red train is the Red Line, the green train is the Green Line, and so forth. Whereas in DC all the trains are orange colored and it seems that none are part of the Orange Line. I hate you Metro, viva la MBTA!
  • Had my fantasy football draft. I had the number two pick and got LT. Everything was coming together. Peyton was actually going to fall to me. Giddiness. 18 picks into the draft and he was still there. My boy Peyton. The golden goose. But then Scott snagged him right in front of me. I ended up with Kevin Barlow who will be a solid back but isn’t going to be a cornerstone QB and left me scrambling to pick Trent Green in the 4th round. That’s OK I still like my team. And the blunder of the draft belongs to my good friend Matt: He of David Robinson fame. Picking the Bus in the 4th round is akin to choosing mushroom ravioli over prime rib when your girlfriend’s parents are taking you out. Last night before my world wind mini vacation ends.
  • Jon takes me to a Mr. Smith’s where they’re offering $1 drinks, even better he decides to pay for my night’s imbruement.

Overall a great weekend that I really needed. Thanks Jon.


At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

- Jason


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