Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tremble young boy, tremble

If I was back in Boston or any other city, I would have thought it was just a passing truck or perhaps a subway. But seeing as I am in San Francisco and the rumbling seemed to be going on for almost a minute... "wait a minute I just survived my first earthquake!" It was kinda cool, but kinda scary at the same time. Especially as I was in class, which is held in the basement of the building.

A few of us new to the city freaked out a bit (OK, just me mainly). It's not like I dove under the table or ran for the doorway, but I was more than anxious to get out of there. Instead we gathered ourselves, took a break, shared a few cigarettes and then back to class. Turns out that the epicenter was in San Jose (about 45 mins south) and was roughly 5 miles underground so what we felt was a fraction of what we could have. Lucky me, this was the most powerful quake from this fault line since 88.

Looking back, everything seemed to play out just like that scene in Jurassic Park where Jeff Goldblum, et all are talking and then the little girl notices the cup of water trembling - and cue the dinosaurs!


At 3:11 PM, Blogger evantonio said...

"must go faster."

god i love jeff goldblum. and congrats on making it out alive. would've been better if you lost a leg or something.

i mean, not better for you, obviously, but better for the story.

At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me think you are a little girl. That little tremble was NOTHING! Talk to me after Northridge, bitch!


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