Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Day 1: In the Fog of the Night (or What I Learned to Learn All Over Again)

Well vacations over. It was fun while it lasted. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to be a tourist for the next 12 months and get all I can out of SF, but let's just say the days of sleeping in until 10 11 a.m are done for now. That also means say goodbye for eating out every meal of the day. Yup, you guessed it, it's peanut butter jelly time. It's what I'm eating right now. Oh yeah, why I'm eating a PB&J right now and the big news: First day (night) of classes!

This is good. This is what I wanted. I'm not in over my head. I'm not the oldest one. I'm not the youngest one. I'm not the Asianist one either. I have had some real world experience so that's a bonus. It's funny, it's either "love the one you're with" or "the grass is always greener on the other side", but even in my first class a lot of things I just got, that I otherwise don't think I would have if I didn't work at the Big Easy for a while first...thanks BD.

What I've learned after one class:
  • Interactive, baby! Yes, going beyond the 8.5 x 11 print piece is good. In fact it's encouraged. Who would have thunk it? It's like the Web is something that's revolutionized the world (of advertising) as we know it. I feel really lucky to have a pretty firm grasp of what it takes to write online. And damn if I was the only one to have an understanding of K-size.Booyah!
  • The dude who knows literally nothing about advertising is going to make me rue many days and nights. C'mon dude. You can't ask the Prof to explain what a headline, subhead, body copy and tag are. Well, I guess you can, but it's called undergrad. I have faith though. I'll let him borrow my Whipple.
  • After eating eating pieces of jalapeno pepper with your fingers, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly. Lest in the middle of class you go to rub your eye and searing pain and watery eyes are the result. Great first impressions, let me tell you.
  • When you're a student poor and are used to eating meat, but can't afford it, a nice smoked Gouda really satisfies.
  • And yes, 23-year old Art Directors are quite fetching.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger ertennyson said...

It makes me so happy that actually made the family guy reference - as soon as I saw the link I was hoping you did. Good work Quan, good work.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger VERONICA said...

Smoked gouda = perfection.


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