Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fresh OJ never tasted so good

OK I lie, fresh OJ always tastes good, but today it's especially sweet as it's a little after 11:30 and I'm sitting at my neighborhood cafe (I'm so happy to have a place!). But it is damn tasty

I just realized that another thing I want to add to the mythical list of things I look for in a girlfriend/wife: the liberal use of hot sauce be it Tabasco, Frank's Red Hot and now that I'm on the west coast, Tapatio and Sriracha.

I also think I have a crush on my copy prof. She's dreamy.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger ertennyson said...

What? No love for the Cholula? It's the best hot sauce in the world and widely available in the Golden State!


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