Saturday, August 21, 2004

It's finally over

There are a myriad of things in the world that I am not suited for. One of them is having to tailor my schedule to someone else. I am not talking about simply having a roommate, I coexisted perfectly fine my four years at university, but I don’t think I’m cut out for this whole sharing thing. Maybe this is because I am an only child and have never had to deal with this? For the past two weeks my family from California has been staying with us. There are four of them (two adults and two “children”, if you will). Four. More than enough people to necessitate the renting of a hotel room? Perhaps. But in the grand tradition of family, they have been bunking at the homestead.

Morning routine:
(alarm, snooze, wake, brush, wash, weather, change, 4 sips of OJ, traffic, train)

As well as:
Important client meeting
Salary haggle
24th Birthday
In charge of department
Dinner with K (hug, awkwardness, traffic, sub-par dinner, tears, awkwardness, sad)*

Stress levels have been taken to an all time high. Even been taking to the bottle of late. Nothing major, no midweek benders, but something to just take the edge off.


Looks like the past week’s worth of rain decided to show up this weekend. Oh good, I’m bringing my family to the airport this morning. I’m really looking forward to a goodnights sleep. Before Logan, we stop at the Chinese supermarket to pick up a few snacks for the trip and some last minute souvenirs for the California contingent. Mind you that these are the same assortment of baus and buns that can be found in L.A.

Post drop-off, dim sum lunch and mother driving my car due to the searing burn emanating from left eye. I’m really looking forward to a goodnights sleep. A horrible traffic jam on the expressway leads mom to take a detour. Slow down. Look right. Wait. Look right. Wait. Turn…. CRACK
“Oh my god! Mom’s not going to stop. That green car is right in front of us. She doesn’t see it. Wait, we’re not going too fast. Wait this is my car. Oh god.”

Don’t worry we’re O.K. No one was hurt and somehow there was NO damage on either car. The angry black women turned out to be very nice and in quite the hurry.

Just trying to get my life back on track.

*I miss K a lot, but I think it’s officially over. I don’t think this was a stomach punch break-up, but more of a take a long look in the mirror and reassess life break-up.


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