Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Another time Mrs. Robinson?

Preface: Every single relationship I have ever had has been based in college or with a college girl. Granted they were great experiences and I have gained much personal and worldly insight from them, but the "real world" beckons and it's time to be with a "real woman." Come to think of it I don't think I've ever dated someone who has had a job. I know Krissy had a big, bad internship doing some sort of engineering thing back in '99. Maybe a babysitting gig here or there, but for the most part its been undergrads and school-time fun. Not that being with some nubile coed wouldn't be amazing, but it's time to date someone who fills out W-2s.

I know office place romances are frowned upon for obvious reasons. But that doesn't make it any less tempting or exciting. Besides we don't work for the same company, but just share a floor.

Ugh. I just found out the girl that I've been flirting with at work is 30 years old. Wow... [Letting feeling sink in] I knew that she was older than me, but six years? Didn't see that coming. I thought the biggest sticking point was going to be finding out if she had a significant other. All the signs were it was a go: no ring, no mention of, "yeah me and so and so did this weekend." And smart, witty banter to die for.

I was in like Flynn. Now I don't know what to do.


At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, come on! 6 years older is not that terrible!. It worked for the graduate, it may work for you!.
Cool blog.


At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh go for it, even if it doesn't work out, it will make for some good stories :O)


At 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, just think of it this way, when she could vote, you were in junior high.

On the other hand - they say older women have more experience. If this doesn't work out, you could always go for that 60-something looker down the block.



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