Sunday, August 07, 2005

Where you been all my life?

I don't know. It's not like I've been out of state or anything, but just haven't been able to muster anything to write of late. I've been pretty busy at work with the new position and I've been actually going out during the week so I guess I'll go with the cliff note's version for now.

A regular college-era gastronomic tour de force.

Helped Keith move and in honoring the guy code he repaid me in kind with $6 steak tips at White Ho and General Gau's at Chef Chang's. Wednesday was burritos at Anna's. I really regret not going to Boca, but the Jule wanted to try something else. Then again after reading her latest thought's I bet her fave restaurant is Old Country Buffet.Continuing on... Coming back from a night at Big City I hit up First Bite, home of the legendary Fat Chicken. For you troglodytes out there a Fat Chicken is very much like a chicken Parmesan sandwich, except that it also has mozzarella sticks and French fries beneath the marinara and melted cheese. What? Don't look at me that way! It's not like I got the Fat Cow (same thing but with Steak and Cheese) or the Fat Cat ( again mozzarella sticks and fries, but with a fish fillet hold the marinara add the tartar sauce). Friday was back to White Ho with Jess for another fine night of "going out". We followed that up with attempted cartwheels and slices at Redneck's. And not to sound like an old man, but the times are a changing. A post-2 am drunken staple was hitting up Redneck's for some BBQ ribs and sadly they have been replaced by, I kid you not, tuna melts and hummus wraps. I blame the PETA for this.

Some basketball here, a party there, etc etc etc but no one wants to hear anymore silly week/end recap drivel. So instead I'll go with something different.

Three people I know are either pregnant or just got someone pregnant. And man oh man, hearing about it has been fantastic. The reactions I've gotten have ranged from adulation to shell shock. So seeing as I have not had any direct involvement with the miracle of life of late, I figured I need to do something about it. Here's the latest odds on people I know getting knocked up. Ready or not you're having a baby!

Roomate 3:2
College sweetheart 9:1
Cousin 10:1
Best friend 15:1

So with great power comes great responsibility. Clearly something's going to give.


At 8:12 PM, Blogger The Jule said...

I don't get it cuz I don't know how odds work. Am I pregnant or not?


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