Sunday, July 17, 2005

Weekend: push

Well vacation is just about out of my system as I'm finally acclimated to Eastern Standard Time and a full 5-day work week. With that being said I still am filled with joy at my weekend respite. And while there definitely was some fun to be had, there was nothing outrageous in the Gary Busey kind of way and that was good.

Watching the Sox put a major thumping on the Yankees Friday night: good.
Losing 3 out of 4 games to them, in mostly heart-breaking, remember we are still the Champs, what the hell is Francona doing?, why does Dale Sveum still have a job fashion?: bad, very, very bad.
Making and enjoying a yummy dinner with the Roommates: good.
Holding onto the last vestiges of my west coast foray via
my All Mexican-All-the-Time dining options: good.
My Official Summer Hotdog Count remaining at 33 for over a week: bad.
Attending the guy's party complete with a keg of PBR, an array of non-NYC (the worst kind) of pseudo-hipsters, roof-top hijinx,
seeing random blast from the pasts [insert Sarah D. shout out here] and partaking in a group sing-a-long that seemed to go on forever... good.
Not going to the gym: bad.
Missing out on V's Annual Family Bash: major bummer.

So that's my latest attempt at keeping your abreast of my comings and goings. Yes, I used the word abreast. Sorry for mailing it in.


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