Monday, February 13, 2006

Thank heaven...

The age old question, how old is too old, and more importantly how young is too young when dating someone. A simple mathematical formula, courtesy of my friend Alex.

Your age divided in half then add seven. Simple as that.

Let’s see:
25 / 2 = 12.5 + 7 = 19.5

My magic number is a sophomore to junior in college. Splendid!

And in a totally unrelated story, little kids are incredibly gullible and thus incredibly funny. I was able to convince my 9 year old cousin that the “Fun Facts” on the packages of oatmeal we were eating were in fact “Fun Jokes”. So with great delight she proudly shouted out hilarious tidbits such as, “Q: How big was a Tyrannosaurus Rex? A: A full-grown Tyrannosaurus Rex could be 47 feet long!”


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