Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The chase

I'm sorry our little cat and mouse had to come to an end this morning, it was most enjoyable. But you see I was going Eastbound and you Westwards. Perhaps if things were different and time were less fleeting I would have followed... alas.

The morning commute started out ordinary enough, but as I stopped at the set of lights right before my on-ramp I spy a couple of lovely damsels beside me in a green Jetta. Of course they were nattily attired in those extra-large, tres chic sunglasses and stylishly wrapped scarves, bobbing along to what seemed to be the same radio station as me. Luckily for me I had my contacts in and the fresh snow had ridden my ride of salt. So I did what any self-proclaimed gentleman/dorkus would do: I went with the extreme grandiose gesture of waving them before me and then a gregarious smile and wave. Sensing the whimsical nature laid before us this morning they took the bait and proceeded to wait as I merged alongside them again. Suffice it to say this was innocent flirting at it's most harmless, save the possibility of careening to our doom. But nothing ventured and nothing gained. And synchronizing our highway weaves was much more enjoyable than the staccato trance of drivetime talk and traffic. So thank you very much Betty & Veronica, we'll always have Interstate 90.


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