Sunday, January 22, 2006

I love your sideways hat, pouty lips, ample breasts and think you have a great *personality*

I think I finally figured out everyone's fascination with myspace. There are a whole lot of dimes on there that post amazingly hot pictures of themselves. Not only are they top-level talent, but most likely they have eating disorders and thus self-esteem issues, so when you ask to be their "friend" they will add you no questioned asked. And once you're connected you get access to the inner sanctum of even more whored up pictures. So when perusing through the ms-biosphere remember that the dude with the litany of 19 year old hotties when not spending time on myspace is a) watching Law & Order and b) masturbating*.

Everyone else is schilling the latest *band* or being goth (because they had a sale at Hot Topic). Hipsters have already given up on myspace in lieu of this macrame and good old fashioned dry humping.

*My new way to describe someone who has little to game


At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A, definately A. And a little B.

And I have become the embodiement of that definition. You're still a hater.


At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a lot of talk...saying you don't give into fads.

...Aren't you the same kid who bought a scooter in college?

So busted.

At 1:56 AM, Blogger Quan Solo said...

This coming from a guy who once drove an SUV and now a hybrid...

No way man scooters are the bomb dope shizzle and when the financial stars align I plan on getting a real one.

And I'm all for fads and the latest jonny-come-lately, it's myspace that just drives me bonkers.


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