Friday, January 20, 2006

My that was a lovely fortnight

Sorry about being MIA of late. There's been lots going on, but the blogging thing was getting a bit old and I was really thinking of putting Quan'sWorld out to pasture. But fortunately for you I met some pretty young thing and we ended up exchanging blog addresses, so I figure I should be active. So hello again. I'll have to hop into the Delorean and try to recap the past few weeks, but for now we'll stick to today.

So today was the big move that has been bandied about for literally over a year.
[tear] I'm losing my window cube at work. This may not seem like that big of a deal to those not working in Corporate Land, but it's little things like that that made Office Space a cult-classic. Anyways I'm leaving my window cube at the end of the row for one on the corner of right- outside- my- manager's-office and high-traffic hallway. [sigh] Anyways my desk and affects have been packed in those orange moving crates and as 10:30 came and went so did my Cubicle of Solitude.

Now what's a company to do when the computers and phones are gone, send everyone home right? Ha, if life could be so grand. I don't want to bore you with the details, but things played out like when you used to have a substitute teacher back in high-school. Yup that's right: we watched videos. Actually they weren't too bad and I got to enjoy a nice lunch with some friends, but in the grand tradition of the high-school substitute I ended up high-tailing it out of there around 2:30.

It was gorgeous out. The sun shining and the thermometer hovering on the good side of 50. I was living on Bonus Time with only thoughts of going for a walk and taking a nap in my head. But not so fast because as I approached my car I noticed that I had a flat tire.

"Ugh, I shouldn't even be here today."

At least I managed to change a tire and validated myself as a man. So we'll put the thought of having to get a new set of tires ($) aside for now, I nixed the walk, but will settle down for that nap as soon as I'm done with this. Leaving me just enough time to get ready and meet the folks for dinner, followed by an evening out getting down lower than Atlantis...

I'm back!


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