Saturday, September 29, 2007

Magic Fingers

Maybe I got spoiled by the thicker walls at my previous residence or the docile mating habits of my former roommates, but it's been quite while since I've been woken up by the ever subtle vibrations of some old fashioned McLovin' going on.* Go sexy!

And onto the weirdest dream. It was one of those where for part of it I was already awake and I was explaining it to the Aussie and her friend. But lo and behold, that was all part of the dream as well. Which in hindsight, there is no way I'd tell it to her, not because it was sexy and she was in it, but because it'd make me seem like a crackpot.

Begin dream sequence...
I'm still working at the Big Office Conglomerate, but for whatever reason I'm driving my mom's old 1988 blue Honda Accord and giving my co-workers T and J a ride to my old middle school, which is the site of the company golf tournament (again, for whatever reason). The other participants of the golf foursome are my boy J and TV. Then my memory gets fuzzy. Cut to next morning where Tom calls us over to let us know that there was a big fire at the golf course (middle school) and that a bunch of "secret, important tax files" (dream Tom's words not mine) were destroyed as a result. Things were furthered heightened when Jim entered with the morning paper, headline screaming "Fire & Hijinks Involved". Realizing that we had been the last people at the middle school (golf course) we knew something was up and that we were going to be set up as the fall guys.
And wake up...

Moral of the story:
1) I need my own place or I need to be the one keeping others up with my McLovin'
2) Glad I left my job when I did or the drugs in SF are a lot stronger than what I'm used to

* Apologies to roommates circa 2001.


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