Friday, October 29, 2004

I am sure that all the people who were offended and dismayed by Curt Schilling's decision to voice his “Pro-Bush” sentiments on Good Morning America and stump for Bush in NH, are the same people who applauded his choice to write “K ALCS” on his much televised right cleat in Game 2. Say what you will about his political or personal beliefs, Curt Schilling is who he is. He is the rare athlete that realizes his position as an “adored personality” and chooses to use that to emphasis his own beliefs. Agree or disagree with him, but you have no right to complain about his latest decision.

In fact it would be out of personality if he did not take his moment in the sun to express his beliefs. Be it “Curt from the car” calling WEEI to argue or posting on SOSH, the reason Boston fans have taken to Schilling is his every man’s approach to being a celebrity and speaking from the heart.

Please do not let Schilling’s appearance or belief tarnish this moment. There is no more “curse” and we will never have to hear “1918.” Red Sox Nation should never again be defined by negativity.

This is not a politically or marketing motivated response. This is written from the heart of a sleep deprived, overjoyed Red Sox fan. The reason that the Red Sox World Series victory was so sweet was because it meant so much, to so many people: For players present, players past, ownership and most importantly, for the fans that lived to see the magical day and for the ones who unfortunately did not.


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