Thursday, November 04, 2004

Here's my chance

So my boat has finally come in or at least set dock in my port. After six plus months toiling at work they are finally giving me a shot to do some copywriting. FINALLY. This is what I've been waiting for. This is what I want. This is what I went to university for and this is what I want to do... I think.

This opportunity is pretty funny because I just had my six-month review and let's just say it went less than stellar. Don't worry I am still gainfully employed, but there wasn't the promotion/raise that I received at my three-month one. After talking/thinking/hashing things over I guess it was what I expected. Things have been become rather monotonous at work of late. There are a myriad of reasons for that I suppose: six-months is a long time, office politics blow, kissing-up gets you everywhere (loathe), managers (grr) and I don't think my mind could regress anymore, no matter how many reports I come across. But that is old news and this is my chance to really show them what I'm made of.

"Alright rook let's see what you got?"

You know what I'm going to be writing about? NOLS , the National Outdoor Leadership School. Yup, that's right: some sort of outdoor adventure leadership extravaganza. Because when people think of Michael J. Quan, outdoorsman jumps right out at them. I admit I'm not much of the outdoorsy guy. Never have, never will be. Not that I don't wish I could be more in touch with nature, but unless it has running hot water and electricity it's not for me.

In fact when I was dating Katie I always pressed to go camping with her. But she knew I wouldn't enjoy it and in hindsight, it was probably for the best. Krissy (rutabaga)'s dad was a Scout Master so she was woodsy from the start. But she was sweet and let me pretend I knew what I was doing. Being the perfect boyfriend that I am, I insisted on rowing the canoe while we were in the lake. Of course the fact that I freaked out when we drifted into some lily pads and we couldn't get out didn't help things. What about the time I went snowshoeing with Alice? That was fun, but it's because neither one of us knew how to ski. Lauren and I went up to New Hampshire once to watch the leaves change colors. Now that's what I'm talking about. And the best part of that was stopping at Fudrucker's on the way back. Mmmm... yumminess.

In fact, all my remotely outdoor adventures have been with girlfriends and who was I kidding, sleeping bag nooky was the main reason. So I am going to call upon my extensive experience of "roughing it", write my ass off and see how things go. Talent, don't fail me now.


At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn that corrupt institution known as your place of employment.

Of course you didn't get a raise. Your knee pads haven't even been used, if you know what I mean.

See you tommorow dude, Galleria, whut :o)


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