Thursday, June 02, 2005

Back in the blogging saddle

So I'm debating whether I should go down the road of weekend recap, but since there was so much that happened I'll do it. It was a long weekend made even longer with my cousin coming up the past Thursday and me taking Tuesday. Man I don't recall the last time that I've had such a jam-packed weekend of events. Ah the extended Memorial Day weekend.

Successfully made the pickup of my cousin, who I've come to know a lot closer in the recent years. For example his nickname is the Duke and the guy loves, loves Kelly Clarkson. I knew he was a sucker for pop music, but I attributed that to Shakira being hot. Alas, in the past week I have listened to KISS 108 nonstop as the Duke was convinced that he was going to win Kelly Clarkson's BMW. We never even figured out the phone number of the station, total bums on all accounts. And you know you're rolling with family when your flight is delayed and when it finally arrives around midnight, you make a trip down to C-Town for a late dinner. Yum, I love fried spicy squid and tofu, no matter if the clock says I should be up in 5 hours.

Friday night we went to a going away party for my friend's Krissy & Alex. They're trading in their Dunkin Donuts, "wicked cool's" and Sox gear (in his case Yankee garb, boo, I know) for the earth quakes, sour dough and alternative lifestyles of San Francisco. It sucks to have two really great friends move across country, but that just means I'll have a place to crash when I visit NoCal. Krissy already made me swear I'd visit in the next year.

Speaking of happy couples, a good friend of mine from high school tied the knot on Saturday. The wedding was in Rhode Island at this quaint country club. Amazing weather and gorgeous views of the ocean. I'm so glad I've reconsidered my stance on world's colliding as a friend from college was also in attendance, as I introduced her to the Bride a few months back. You can't go wrong when you err on the side of good friends, especially friends who willingly give you two of their baked stuffed shrimp. Oh yes, did I tell you about the food? Amazing: filet mignon and baked stuffed shrimp. Frankly it was the best wedding food I have ever tasted and I would venture to say that it was quality food that I would expect from an actual restaurant.

In honor of being able to finally wear white pants again and to christen my new grill, Sunday was my Pre-Memorial Day BBQ. For the most part the weather cooperated, albeit some Dylan-esque clouds descended upon us, but luckily the storm passed quickly. Soon enough everyone was back to hacky-sacking, wiffle balling and burger munching. A nice assortment of old college friends, roommates, HS friends and new friendly faces. A grand time had by all. I also spiked my first watermelon courtesy of Matt G. (although everyone was looking forward to the corn on the cob he promised) and at the conclusion of May my Official Summer Hotdog Tally now numbers 11.


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