Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Big foam finger heeeah!

What a wonderful night watching the Olde Towne Team. I wish that the outcome could have been different, but man did they let one slip away. The night's lowlights: Aaron "Bleeping" Boone solo shot in the second, Kevin Millar's stone feet/glovework at first and Keith Foulke letting the wheels come off for another loss/blown save. Other than that everything was dandy, Bellhorn even did some nice things at the plate. Alas going to watch a baseball game is not always about the game itself. It may kill some people to hear me say that because I consider myself a true fan of the Red Sox. I remember watching the days of Tony Pena* behind the plate and the Big Q(uintana) man first. So while our trusty closer blew another win, the night was indeed a fun one. Anytime you can combine imbibing mass quantities of beer and spend time with your saucy roommate fun is sure to follow.

Oh and the seats were tre magnifique. I was not only haughty, but managed to be taughty as well. I was able to turn around and see all the proletariat crammed into their little blue seats. Moral of the story: 1) be born into money, 2) know/blow someone in the media, 3) wait in line for 6 hours in the freezing cold to get a chance to buy tickets.

We've both been so busy of late that we haven't really seen much of each other, but tonight was Quan and Blonde bondathon night. In exchange for one primo third base box seat I was the recipient of one of the finest Miller Lites Fenway offered, a large twist ice cream cone, a medium Diet Coke. Not to mention that I am now the owner of a Boston Red Sox #1 Foam Finger! Check another item off the list of things that I want in life.

Official Summer Hotdog Tally: 32


At 11:15 PM, Blogger Quan Solo said...

Thank you my dear JFo. You know we should make a trek up to Portland to see the Seadogs play. That's where the young guns are at...


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