Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Gotta eat yo

It's not over yet but early prognosticators are already labeling meeting for lunch as the hot trend of Christmas Break '05. Drinks are so last year and the mid-40's temperatures are allowing me to venture into the city and take advantage of the city's fine culinary choices. At a fraction of the cost nonetheless. So yes, "wanna grab lunch" is the battle cry as we ramp up for the New Year*.

Monday: Pats v. Jet with my boys.
Without question seeing Big Leaguers (more on this to come) Frank and Ben making it back home was cause for celebration. On a sidenote this was the last MNF game to be televised on ABC. On deck for next year is Joe Theisman and Michaels in the booth on espn.

Tuesday: Lunch included bowls of Pho the size of my head with Ben and The Jule. Followed by the first movie I've seen since October: Narnia, Chronicles of. Missed Triva Night at the Halfway, but made up for it in Wings & Beer. Drunken card- /improv- /camp- games & kareoke ensued.

Today: Met up with some friends University friends up from NYC at the Snake for some lovely pub grub. I'm partly responsible for their recent engagement mind you. One of us used to be roomies and the and I used to play Sports Talk Baseball together, respectively. Guess who for a prize!
Tonight's Date Forecast: cancelled due to a cold front that moved in... :(

On deck is lunch with my girl from SF & her momma at Cheesecake tomorrow then lunch with my HS dreamgirl on Friday. If only she wasn't engaged.... to a guy from Pakistan... and is moving there with him... AND renouncing her US citizenship... I would tap that ass asap.

*Finally got my New Year's Eve plans figured out. Everyone's been up in the air for this and putting it off. I don't know. Too expensive. Too far. Lame. I don't know. I don't want to drive. I'm going to ask around. Well grabbed the bull by it's horn and decided a decadent night of dancing at Felt to the sultry sights of some vigorous burlesque was in order... sadly the last remaining tickets sold out 10 minutes prior to me calling. Instead I will be ringing in the New Year prone atop velvour couches with a (potential) midnight kiss lined up instead. All in all I will be champagned-fueled out facdown in someone's lap come Jan. 1.

oh yeah part of my Christmas haul was a new camera. soon Quan'sWorld will be in 2-D rendered glory!


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