Saturday, December 31, 2005

Yeah. So what?

So twas the night before New Year’s Eve and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse… wait scratch that your humble Quan is still up at this ungodly hour. And why may you ask? Was it a night of drunken debauchery involving two blondes, a brunette and a pound of blow? Ha, hardly. Well it was a drunken night, but no debauchery and that was by choice my friend. Let’s see how I ended up in this weird nether-time predicament shall we.

The day started off by being woken up from last night’s drunken debauchery (yes to the two blondes, one brunette, the Jule and my main man Geoff. No blow.) by a text message. Which led to lunch with the HS sweetie, who as I mentioned before is engaged and moving to the Pakistan and converting to Islam. Yeah, scary thought, but she’s got the Rock and we’ve all done sillier things in the name of love. (No, no I haven’t, but I am ecstatic she is happy.) On a side note I wish I had the stones I do now to crush her circa 1999 when she was top-level talent.

Anyways, I stayed in tonight because I’ve been running myself ragged over the course of the entire week. Sadly today/tonight was the end of Christmas Vacation ’05. I don’t count weekends or Monday’s holiday (observed) because I’d have that time off anyways. So I figured I’d stay in to catch up on some R&R, clean a bit, start this kickass book (Michael Chabon's Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, pulitzer baby!) I bought today and get my thoughts in order. Running parallel to these plans was renting Sideways and polishing a bottle of Red by myself. Yes, how romantic indeed. And in general Quan fashion, got a bit of cleaning done, but ended up passing out during the movie as generous glass # 4 knocked me (the fuck) out. It’s cool though; I ended up getting a solid six-hours of sleep in prior to now where I’m wide-eyed, headached and sporting a damn hangover. However I did manage to drunk dial my Muse and babbled sweet nothing’s to her.

Happy New Year’s everyone. I can’t wait for champagne and loving. I love you all.


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