Sunday, February 13, 2005

Happy Single's Awareness Day

You know as I sat down to write this I was going to rant and rave about the atrocities associated with Valentine's Day. This was the start of something:
An extra bitter rendition to start the week off. I'm usually all for the artificial, secularized Hallmark holidays but as far as I'm concerned this year's Valentine's Day should be eradicated from the calendar. Random Valentine's thoughts:
  • Lots of cheap chocolates on sale at CVS, Wal-Mart and the like.
  • Victoria Secrets should really offer more than just red lingerie sets.
  • I hate having to be ecstatic that I managed to snag a 5:30 dinner reservation where inevitably I will still have to wait.
  • When did the international expression of love go from a dozen roses to two?
But I guess I'll chalk up all that extra vitriol to the fact that literally everyone around me is in some sort of blissful coupledom. And that this is the first time that I haven't been exclusive with someone for quite a while. Man, I remember when I used to be cool always living in sin.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying my time meeting and dating other people, but at the same time I think that I may be looking for too much. Something about getting the carriage before the horse comes to mind. Also, by no means am I That Guy. You know the one who is desperately trying to find a girlfriend. No one likes that Guy. That Guy is lame. (More on That and Those Guys to come soon. )

So I raise my glass to all of you who are madly in love, for those looking for that special someone and for those that the next warm bed is heaven-sent. I leave you with these portraits of what the hideous L-word means to some people:


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