Thursday, June 09, 2005

Dating Doppler

Part I:
So how bout a little soul bearing to start things off. Prior to living with my lovely, wonderful roommates I was a bit apprehensive about moving out of my parent's house. My job situation wasn't the most perfect and I would have liked to save a bit more money. But being able to live with two friends was an offer that I couldn't pass on, especially when the alternative was being back in the Ville far from anyone. As is my nature I was extra cautious and needed to be talked into it. Just like ripping off a band-aid or going into cold water, slow and steady is the way to go. Oh wait, no. Well moving on, I think I was sold after a few vigorous rounds of Frostys and when Blonde told me all about her cute friends. Hook, line and sinker I was in.

Not that I'm living with her soley because she has cute friends, in fact most have significant others, which proved to be a most disappointing development. One girl I really hit it off with, she of the Celtics headband, but of course she was in/out with this other dude. So alas for not. But that was back in January or so. And I don't believe I have really talked to her since then. I would hang out with her again though, and not because her boy is a weenie, but because she was totally a chill chick.

And so my latest crush de jour was Blonde's other friend, Hot dog Girl (HdG). We've hung out a few times, but at my BBQ a few weeks ago I really felt a happy connection. So we exchanged email addresses and I was digging her. We corresponded for a bit and I thought we were supposed to go out. But Blonde gave me the head's up that she is with a boy, albeit may be on the market. Sadly not so much. After a few too many emails she dropped the news that yes, in fact she is with someone. Total bums, because she was fun. And now most likely it will be weird, well maybe not weird, but not cool.

So I ask myself should we still hang out? Part of me says yes, part of me says no. But HdG was/is fun. And who am I to turn down a new friend. Isn't that what living life is about? Plus I'm a sucker for blondes.

Part II:
So it comes with great disappointment that I have to inform you that 8-minute girl # 3 and I are engaged in an epic game of phone/email tag. But to tell you the truth I'm not heart broken over it. In fact I never really felt the spark, but the fact she didn't return my return call, pisses me off. Granted the first time I called I got a pizza place and the second time I called I got the pickup/hangup instead of voicemail, which leads me to believe she is not happy for some reason. Why that is I do not know. Perhaps it was because I called her back a few days later than she expected. Less than a week, six if you don't count the actual night out as a day. But calling a girl back after six days is money right?

But it wasn't my fault I had a busy weekend.
I hate being polite and should have just been upfront with her. I'm a total advocate in the initial spark, so I should have left it at that. Because as Manny Ramirez said, "You make your own destination." All I really try to be is honest. Well maybe honest isn't the right word. Sincere, yes that is what I strive to be when it comes to affairs of the heart.

Update: I'm not an ass for not calling back in time, I'm an idiot for having her phone number programmed into my cell phone wrong. Yup, smooth as... Broken glass. Yet oddly enough she wasn't that upset when I explained it to her and for whatever reason that bothers me. Am I not emotionally unstable?

So taking a look over the few recent happenings ,when it comes to being single I am taking a new lease on things. My days of following the Bushido of the Dirtbag are over. Being genuine is good for me. Ultimately I'm a better person for it. This change isn't due to meeting Miss Right. That's the thing, the perpetual search for a hot piece of tail/girl of my dreams is just too much. Don't worry I'm joining the pink team anytime soon. Just putting more stock in quality vs. quantity argument. So good bye Double Down and hello Steve. Or at least a reasonable attempt at achieving real.


At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Epic Post



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