Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Get busy living, get busy trying

So my respite/sabbatical/brooding time is over. It's been four days since the Championship reign ended and it's time for me to get back on the wagon. Granted the Bombers missing out on the ALCS as well makes things a bit better, but what will really get me through the winter is the promise of youth. The Young Guns led by my boy Paps, Hansen, Pedroia with Hanley and Lester on the horizon. So enough licking my wounds and to move onto something more interesting namely the dimes whose panties I can't get out of my head.

Prospect #1 - So I thought that I had the work dating out of my system a while ago, but it was inevitable. But this time it's more complicated than just, "Hey I had a lot of fun last night, I hope it's not awkward now that we've made out." So she's a total sweetheart, but previously dated this other guy at work that I'm kinda/sorta friends with. In the sense that we eat lunch together sometime and when either one of has the car in the shop we give each other a ride. So we're not exactly buddies, but then does the "guy code" kick in? You know the one, Thou shalt not covet thy boy's girl. But then again, he's not exactly one of my boys and besides I've never really been a stickler for those rules.

Anywhoo I guess my "out" so to speak is that this guy is actually leaving work as of this Friday. So do I lay low until then? Or full steam ahead?

Prospect # 2 -
So I met this girl on the bus the other day, wait let me rephrase that Coed, I love Coeds! She's a junior at NU and yes I did meet her on the bus, T actually. She's cute, but again young. Not sure exactly how old I think most of our dates will be at either Chuckie Cheese or going for slurpees. We've been out once and maybe we'll try getting together soon.

So there you go back on the blogging wagon. And with that these few tidbits for your amusement:
Stay away from the malls unless you want to be mistaken for a member of the pink team.
Power up Segal style
The world needs more Walken

Groovy, oh yeah and I met Sports Guy. I rule!


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