Sunday, July 01, 2007

Self-reflection, catharsis & narcolepsy

When L and I were together (and before she moved to the Big City), Sunday nights were always tough. It meant that after some 50+ hours of blissful togetherness, we'd have to go our separate ways the next morning. Nothing was harder than that. Even though we'd see each other in a few days, I'd miss her like crazy. Heck the first thing I did after getting to my desk was give her a wake-up call so she wouldn't sleep the day away. :)

Now falling asleep on Sunday and getting up on Monday is tough for a completely (mostly) different reason.This week's excuse for why I'm still wide-awake is going to be jet-lag.

If I was a better man, things would be different. If I was a better man I could handle my liquor better and maybe I'd drink myself into a stupor and pass out. I'm going to listen to some Tom Waits and see how that goes.

Reason # 327 that I am as smooth as broken glass

So I thought that the Actress was giving me the cold shoulder/blow off treatment, but it seems that she was merely on vacation.

Way to 1) pay attention to what she says and 2) freak out about her not calling you back. Maybe if I wasn't such a SAM it wouldn't bother me, but nice weather stirs up that "let's make-out and eat ice cream" urge in my loins. Whoops.