Sunday, July 31, 2005

Remembering that day

If you told me that July 31, 2004 would have been one of the most impactful days of my life I would have surely doubted you, but that was before two monumental events unfolded forever altering how I perceive things. And what was to be the highest and lowest parts of my past year.

It was a scorcher of a day. Calling it humid wouldn't do it justice, oppressive was a more apt description. Why do I remember this? Well because I was walking around Boston and sweating profusely. Not helping the cause at all was the tremendous influx of people to the streets of Boston as legendary jam band Dispatch was performing their last show together at the Hatch Shell. Legendary in the sense that I read about them in the Phoenix earlier on in the week and because that's what the thousands of under-deoderized/over inebriated preteen to 30-somethings who descened upon my fair commonwealth told me.
Oh and I was also wearing my fave green t-shirt.

The reason for being in Boston? I was getting together with my recently estranged (is that even the right word?) girlfriend. Long story short, I think the extreme heat and first time seeing each other emotions got the better of us, leading to some misplaced emotions and that threw me into an emotional tailspin for the next few months.

But the sub plot to this day: The Boston Red Sox had traded Nomar Garciapparra. I remember first hearing it from a passing radio while we were walking past Copley. Details were sketchy at best, something involving the Minnesota Twins and the Chicago Cubs. I was crushed. How could this be? Nomar was the Red Sox. Not only the face of the franchise, but the heart of a team: my team. Nomar was the transition from the early 90's rendition of the team, featuring such plodding luminaries as Jack Clark and Phil Plantier, to the current era. Nomar was a home-grown Red Sox (something unheard of at the time). A player who to this day I will debate was the best all around short-stop in baseball, before injuries destroyed a once sure-fire Hall of Fame career. Owner of one of the most recognizable and imitated batting routines around, Nomar was the one guy who proved me wrong in my belief that you don't root for players, but you root for laundry.
So while thousands of people were crowding into Boston, one of the most recognizable faces of the region was leaving. To say that I was in shock was an understatement.

End results:
Whereas I once dealt with rejection as well as an insolent 12-year old girl, my current rebound time lies somewhere between 2-5 days, pending physical, monetary and emotional attachment.

Oh yeah, that other little thing. I don't think I need to rehash the incredible story of the 2004 Boston Red Sox. I am 24 years old, 25 in less than two weeks, and I can honestly say that the 2004 season is one of the happiest moments of my life. Not quite up there with graduating college, but moreso than owning my first car. Without question top 4, hands down.

So with these two monumental instance in my personal history as background, I sit on the precipice of another potentially altering day. No, no more misguided emotional clusterfucks to speak of, but perhaps the most recognizable face of Red Sox Nation will again be sent packing. Theo did it before, will he do it again? Nomar, Manny?

UPDATE: Sox win!

"Forget about the trade. This is the place I want to be. They want to win. I want to win, too. I'm back."

Manny just being Manny. A Red Sox for now...

Friday, July 29, 2005

A moment of zen clarity regarding the fairer sex on this lovely Friday

Buying a girl an iced tea and an $8 club sandwich does not equal expectations of a healthy grouping, yet somehow the next time around, you throw on a nice belt and pay $28 for some wood-fired Arctic char and a glass of white then it's a completely different story.

And how.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Nomo, Nomo, Nomo

"$200 payroll don't buy you depth like it used to."

Good buddy Samir in response to his beloved Yankees picking up journeyman Hideo Nomo (I used to be a card carrying member of Nomo-mania when it swept through LA and then his halycon Red Sox season) as Pavano, Wright are on the shelf and Unit and Brown are the walking wounded.

And speaking as a man who's team recently sent out a starting lineup with the immortal Adam Stern, Tony Graffanino and Alex Cora batting I concur.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Oh crystal ball

It recently came to my attention that the typical male living in the United States is married by the time he is 26. And with my 25th birthday (only a few shopping days left) soon approaching, I have a little over a year to get cracking. So here's my plan for the year to come:

August: It's going to be awfully hot and humid out and there's nothing better than sitting inside an air conditioned movie theatre, not the best place to actively meet women. That's other than when I'm stuck inside my cube at work, seeing as I've exhausted half my year's allotment of vacation days. And with my few free moments outside I'll probably be outside oggling the high-school girls soccer players practicing at the field behind my house.

September: Ah, back to school season always a red-letter time of the year as the
streets, Ts and bars once again will be filled with buxom coeds. This is when I will meet a lovely 22 year-old Texan who has just moved to Boston to pursue her Masters in art history. We will engage in witty banter and enjoy over-priced cocktails at fancy hotel bars - which will be counter balanced by her providing me with free muffins, croissants and tasty beverages at the coffee house where she works to subsidize herself.

October: I will pretty much be too busy for much of anything romantic or that is the excuse I will use to remain single. My days will be devoted to working, my Sundays to the start of the NFL season and with any luck I will be in the midst of a whirl-wind tour of potential portfolio schools. The remainder of my free time will be spent as I spend most of my falls: masturbating and watching the MLB playoffs [insert Arod and keep your eye on the ball jokes here].

November:Wow things don't get better than this. A chill in the air and Sunday's completely devoted to football. Breaking out the sweaters and corduroy
as things with the Texan resume up again. And as fortune will have it I will run into an old friend who is off again with her on again/off again live-in boyfriend of 6 years. Also there will be a slow day at work where I will shoot off emails to people I have not spoken to in quite some time, where with fortune on my side the Architect will respond and we will have a wonderful reunion get-together at Whiskey Park (finally able to pony up and afford something nice), resulting in dropping everything off my plate and getting my hopes up...

December: Ah the holiday conundrum. Do I partake in the festivities of ice skating at the Frog Pond, walking mitten in mitten past the Christmas tree and canoodling underneath mistletoe with my special darling or forgo any relationship in hopes of saving money up for that 27" flat screen and hooking up with the new intern at the office holiday party?
Oh and I will also continue to pester my roommate about her cute friend. Nothing will come of this except rolled eyes.

January: Ah, a fresh start to things. Time to take stock, reassess my situation and realize that (eek!) I only have 8 months to meet the girl of my dreams, woo/wine/dine/seduce/"become one with" her.

February: I think I love her. She decided to wear a different set of delectable sexy panties for the entire week leading up to V-Day, where she wore something significantly less. I'm glad that it is cold and we're spending all our time indoors.

So the lease for her apartment is up at the end of the month (it's freaking March!!) and she's thinking that maybe she could crash her for just a few weeks if that's OK with me. Sure that's fine, my place is small but my bed is big. But her friend gives me the heads up that she had opportunities to crash at other places, but wants this to be our trial run. SOUND THE ALARM, SOUND THE ALARM. ABORT THE MISSION. Hiatus, sabatical, time off, month probation: call it what you will.

My motor must be running on rocket fuel as I just went from 21 to 30 like that.
You know it's awfully funny that I tend to go from one end of the age spectrum to another. Don't worry I've been here before. And I'm riding the Ashton-Demi train for as long as I can. Sugar Mama, baby!

Yay, promotion at work. Boo, mini fender bender. Yay, found $50 on the street. Boo, blew $20 playing poker and spilled red wine on the shirt I bought with the remaining $30. Yay, visited NYC. Boo, she's away on bizness and no serious lovage for me. May = PUSH

June: Alright things are really heating up as I already met the parents, but now it was time to meet the twin brother who just came back from a 2-yr stint overseas. Yikes, I'm scared. They try fooling me with the ol' let's get him drunk, take him to a titty bar and see if we can get him into the champagne room routine. Sorry guys not falling for that. Oh yeah, your sister's got a banging ass. Want to see the pictures or the video?

July: You know she might be the One. Or at least she's more the One for quite some time as opposed to the One for right now or the One for the next 24 minutes.

August: Wow, I'm moving South to attend school at the end of the month. What do I do? Will she come with me? Well just to make things a little bit easier on her, I manage to slip one by the goalkeeper and... Hallelujah, my boys can swim!

Yup, so there you have it. My next 12 months are laid out before me and it looks like I found my lucky lady. Nothing could be simpler. And then I ask myself, I'm definetely better than the typical guy (I'm in the 97% percentile afterall. What you think I was goint to crack the top 99%? Comeon I'm just being honest here) so does that mean I need to married before then or after. Eitehr way. Oh and if things manage to play out like that, shoot me, just do it.

Friday, July 22, 2005

My new favorite euphemism is...

salt and pepper her mango

Strawberries, melon, passion fruit... pisha. Mangoes are, bar none, the most sensual fruit around. You ever try eating one of these things?

Oh man.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Happy Moon Day

For those of you who believe that it actually happened, today is the anniversary of the Apollo moon landings. Here are some pics via google of the "landing sight". Pretty cool.

But this is what I'm talking about. A great gift idea if I've ever saw one... hint, hint.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Icy Fortress of Solitude

Hidden somewhere beneath the arctic circle, the nights grow darker asI lie in wait plotting my revenge...

Alas my epic vendetta tale will have to wait for another day as I am simply enjoying myself too much sitting inside my newly air conditioned room. Yup, that's right, the sound you hear is 8,000 BTUs of cooling power. I tried to stick it out for as long as I could, but I finally cracked. The days of fleeing to my parent's blissful central air or putting my freshly spritzed undergarments in the freezer are a thing of the past. For
inside my climate controlled room I am king! Free to lie on my bed, write in my journal, read, and peruse the internet: in all it's man-over-nature glory. Yes, the world is truly my oyster.

And outside this very room, to quote Lil' Jon "to the window to walls, to the sweat drips down my balls, to all these bitches crawl..." yeah exactly, it's not pretty.

So while I may be confined to my 14' x 16' room for the better part of the next two months, but that's a small price to pay for FREEDOM. The freedom from oppressive humidity, dehydration and swamp ass. Besides the outside world is overrated and I'm thinking about getting a TV.

So to those that say "it's not the heat it's the humidity" or "it's hot enough to fry and egg on the sidewalk," I say skeet, skeet, skeet!

Weekend: push

Well vacation is just about out of my system as I'm finally acclimated to Eastern Standard Time and a full 5-day work week. With that being said I still am filled with joy at my weekend respite. And while there definitely was some fun to be had, there was nothing outrageous in the Gary Busey kind of way and that was good.

Watching the Sox put a major thumping on the Yankees Friday night: good.
Losing 3 out of 4 games to them, in mostly heart-breaking, remember we are still the Champs, what the hell is Francona doing?, why does Dale Sveum still have a job fashion?: bad, very, very bad.
Making and enjoying a yummy dinner with the Roommates: good.
Holding onto the last vestiges of my west coast foray via
my All Mexican-All-the-Time dining options: good.
My Official Summer Hotdog Count remaining at 33 for over a week: bad.
Attending the guy's party complete with a keg of PBR, an array of non-NYC (the worst kind) of pseudo-hipsters, roof-top hijinx,
seeing random blast from the pasts [insert Sarah D. shout out here] and partaking in a group sing-a-long that seemed to go on forever... good.
Not going to the gym: bad.
Missing out on V's Annual Family Bash: major bummer.

So that's my latest attempt at keeping your abreast of my comings and goings. Yes, I used the word abreast. Sorry for mailing it in.

Friday, July 15, 2005

On a quiet Friday afternoon nothing like perusing ESPN's unprecedented 50 States in 50 Days to see what great sporting feats are associated with each state in the Union.

I found it particularly fun seeing what middling states such as Rhode Island, Delware and South Dakota have to offer. With the lack of any professional sports teams or a powerhouse member of any big NCAA conference the answer is NOT MUCH. At least Connecticut has women's basketball... snicker, snicker, tee-hee, tee-hee.

Enjoy folks...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Well it's official

Your IQ Is 125

Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is Genius

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Contrary to popular belief...

I am not:
  • a hipster
  • Korean
  • someone who cheats on his girlfriend
  • a germaphobe

But I:
  • Enjoy watching/playing sports, buying my coffee from Starbucks and eat red meat like it's going out of style, despite having been known to spend 20 minutes fixing my hair with an array of product so that it looks like I just got out of bed and didn't spend any time on it at all, while wearing a vintage T underneath a sports coats, my Pumas and a Texas beltbuckle, so that when I'm pretending to listen to you babble on I'm actually sending out a Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs come hither vibe to that skinny blond girl with a tongue ring smoking her Parliment.
  • Am Chinese by ethnicity, American by citizenry (granted we do all look the same)
  • Have the capacity to fall head over heels in love with people at inopportune times despite what social norms deem appropriate
  • Will share drinks with those I deem "clean"
Hope that clears things up, have a good day.

Monday, July 11, 2005

California Adventure

Before I begin, let me say that checking a week's worth of emails (personal and work) is never pretty. Man I need a fish taco...

So I'm finally home... ah feels good, but man do I miss vacation already. This was by far the best vacation I've had in quite some time. Thinking about it, it's my first vacation in over 8 or 9 months. There was that brief NYC trip post Bzz (shudder) but nothing solid. So besides the time off what made this Cali adventure better than normal?

I was born and semi-raised in LA, but never had been to San Diego before. Thanks to good buddy Matt, that all changed. I've said it before and I'll say it again making friends in college = having a place to stay all over the country. CA, Chitown, NYC, Texas, Maine, Taiwan, Mainland you name it. I just wish I stayed in contact with that girl from Hawaii. I wish I could say SD was exactly what I imagined but I was wrong: I couldn't hear the sound of waves crashing as I drifted off to sleep, there were no one around selling me burritos out of a shopping cart and there was nary a buxom blond in sight. Wait scratch that, there buxom blondes aplenty. Especially when I was visiting Matt at UCSD.
I could really get to like it there. The digs were cool and the weather was what it should be. Bar none SD has the most perfect weather ever. Alas nothing ever is as I imagine it, viewing the world through my Real World and OC prism has steered me wrong before. And randomest of occurrences, the Jule and her boy happened to be vacationing in the greater SoCal area and who should meet up with in the Gas Lamp District than my good old roommate. Nachos and margaritas all around!

Sadly that was the end of our shared culinary experience as blows almost ensued thereafter. The Jule and the Boyfriend are not fans of In-N-Out. He in fact says, "tastes like Burger King, good fries though." I had to use all my force to restrain Matt from bludgeoning the two on the spot. They are wrong, but they brought me a sticker so I can fall asleep to the sweet dreams of Double Doubles dancing in my head.

As well as In-N-Out my palate was stretched to the limits. Dim sum; a wonderful mixed grille at the T household; enough fish tacos to feed Shamu; LA style sushi (very fresh, very good and expensive, not served on the body of a naked Japanese woman); Beef Bowl; a crazy good breakfast served by a cute waitress who Matt needs to get with, even if she is working for tips; my long lost-love: Marie Calendar's fresh strawberry pie; (I love pie so much that from Birthdays 17-19, 21-23 I opted for the Birthday Pie option (classic me move).

But all this gluttony has a reason, food has inherently been a large part of my upbringing. Not only growing up in a restaurant, but always a part of any family gathering. And that is why I was so happy to learn how to make doongs, essentially a Chinese rice tamale.
So what spurred me on to learn this almost lost art of doong making. Partly I love 'em and you can't buy them around, at least the good ones (double meat, egg and no peanuts or dried shrimp). And partly to get in touch with the past so I can have something, albeit small to pass onto the next generation. One of my biggest regrets in life is not having a working knowledge of the Chinese language or know as much about the culture as I should, but perhaps with food just a little bit of that will be passed down. Essentially a cross between Like Water for Chocolate and The Joy Luck Club, only with me.

While I was able to visit Matt in SD and Ant in LA, the other reason for my trip was to visit my grandfather. I don't know exactly how old he is, but he's on the other side of 85 that's for sure. And while it was never explicitly said to me, my dad wanted me to see him once more... you know.

So ultimately this vacation was great for a variety of reasons. Getting a killer tan at Ocean Beach; scoping the local "talent", eating more Mexican than Dirty Pablo Sanchez, the semi-annual Quan Theatre Hopping Extravaganza and quality time with great friends and family. All in all my batteries are recharged and I have more memories as I eventually inch closer to the Pacific in the ensuing years. Holla!

Official Summer Hotdog Tally: 33
That's right only 1 hotdog in the state of California!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

LA or bust

I'm sitting here drinking my medium Dunkin Donut's iced coffee, as I am about to depart to the airport in a few moments, I realize that this is my first vacation in quite some time and the first time I've been back to the West Coast since graduation. Wow. So I'm off to a CA to visit my family in LA and my buddy Matt in SD. With that being said I'll be away from a computer for a while so you'll just have to make do without me for the week. But when I return I will stories to regale regarding state-school tan lines, Hollywood starlets/entourages, exotic zoos and the like. So I hope everyone enjoys some BBQ and the Pops for me. Happy 4th of July!

\ Cape traffic & humidity /

Friday, July 01, 2005

It's definitely not where I'm always going to be, but at this stage of my life when it comes down to it I will probably put more effort into getting ready for a Big Date than prepping for the Big Presentation. I think it just comes with the territory. Being a single 20-something guy who wants to look good for a cute 20-something (19-30) gal. Not to say I don't try at work, but I only own 3 suits and nothing navy blue.

Partly this is caused by the Industry. I work in advertising where 1) it's a casual work environment (wearing jeans and throwbacks is good for the creativity) and 2) people in advertising are pretty petty/insecure when it comes to being in-the-know. Don't get me wrong, by no means am I high-fashion, but I consider myself hipper and cooler than the typical "dude". Actually, yeah, compared to the normal guy I'm a lot better (well-read, humor wise and in general) as a whole.

With that being said it's time to finish getting ready and go play wing-man for my buddy JD.

Update: 1:05 am -
Just got back from a night out with JD and his girl and her friend. Both totally cool chicks and a surprisingly awesome night. The first Friday of every month the MFA offers mfasummerfridays , where you are able to peruse the exhibits, have a few drinks and mingle with like minded ladies and gents. Oh yeah did I mention it's pretty much a meat-market. And by that I mean sketchy older guys who drive Boxsters trying to talk to all sorts of 20 somethings. So being one of the top 10 most virile guys in the room JD and I had a definite leg up in terms of the eye candy. But we were with two lovely gals. JD with his girl and her friend,who was really cool, respectively. Talk about small world, but all four of us essentially grew up in the same area. Of course JD and I went to middle/high school together, but both girls lived within a 20 minute drive. And my MFA Girl actually works about a mile away from me now; so we exchanged numbers (score!) and are planning on meeting up for lunch during the week. All in all a pretty fun night.

Sidenote: We went to dinner at the Sunset Cantina and the food was really good (a quality batch of fish tacos) but the Sangria definitely was lacking. Oh well, live and learn.