Thursday, March 31, 2005

et tu

To clarify my self-righteous stance about what I look for in a girl and more importantly any meaningful life relationship:

Honestly, I think everyone may be missing the point. Obviously it's inside that counts, that goes without saying. But the fact is that everyone should know and assume that. Seriously no one ever goes out with the intention of spending time with someone they do not generally enjoy being with. Example: ask anyone what they look for in a person and they will invariably say "intelligent, good sense of humor, likes to go out, etc." Like big freaking whoop... who doesn't want that? If you don't then you suck. So basically what I am saying is that why settle for just that, when you can be with a person that has that and more. Maybe I'm giving my friends too much credit but I think that the people I hang around with are sincere and actually attractive and talented. Maybe I just see things in a different way. But more likely everyone should be lucky that I grace you with my mere presence... yes that must be it.

Happy 24th Blonde

That's better

You scored as Kevin Millar. You are Kevin Millar! You are very friendly and free-spirited which makes you a cool person to be around. You have a lot of charisma and have the ability to ease any tensions and allow people to loosen up.

Kevin Millar


Johnny Damon


David Ortiz


Manny Ramirez


Jason Varitek


Mark Bellhorn


Theo Epstein


Curt Schilling


Which Red Sox Player Are You?
created with

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Groupie love

I think I found my new calling: at least for the next 4 days, I'm going to be a male-groupie. I came across my absolute dream girl tonight. She's a back up singer for this kick-ass band I just came back from seeing. I know I don't have a chance and I'll probably never see her again, but tonight she made me glad to be a guy.

Blond. More style than you can shake a stick at. Juicy jacket and gold sparkly boots up to there. Skintastic jeans. And just a little bit of belly showing while prowling around on stage. If you can work it I'm yours, hook line and sinker. Add some stage-presence and a pseudo- raspy voice and I will melt in your arms.
As if you don't know by now I am a sucker for packaging. C'mon it's me we are talking about.

And you know what? I've always been a sucker for stylish girls, because quite frankly who the hell shops at American Eagle? I guess what I'm saying is that I am sick of mortal girls. I should be dating some sort of princess and seeing as that is highly unlikely I think I'll settle for someone that at least has an Actor's Guild membership or makes a living from the adulation of others.

You gotta carry yourself with an air of individualism to roll with the Quan. If you think that this sounds pretentious and egotistical you might be right, but I assume that you have substance and merit to stand on, so go out on a limb and work it. As difficult as it is to admit I really think the most important girl in my life was the most creative. Vibrancy and thinking and being an individual go hand-in-hand. You can have your grad degrees and MBAs but give me a girl with flair and more often than not we'll have a connection.


You scored as Tino Martinez. You are TINO MARTINEZ! You're loved by all, no matter if they hate your or support you and your cause. Within your group you're a great friend, always trying to do your best and come up big when it counts. You're glad to come back to a familiar place, and will do what you can to make the most of it. People believe magical things can happen now that you're in town.

Tino Martinez


Alex Rodriguez


Derek Jeter


Mariano Rivera


Jorge Posada


Bernie Williams


Which NY Yankee are you?
created with

It's official

Today is the most gorgeous day of the year. Extended sushi lunch with the windows open, sunglasses on, coat off, watching girls walk around in sandals. I love it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Good luck V

and I will totally be your BFF if you get it

Sunday, March 27, 2005

And it's on

So every year our family has an Easter egg hunt for all of the "cousins" and every year I am asked to do it. Well assumed that I will do it is more like it. I hem, I haw, but in the end I end up participating. And let's just say that my track record of late has not been so good.

I'm 24 and it's a borderline farce now. Strangely enough my zeal for running around collecting plastic-encased candy doesn't quite have the same appeal as it once did. Last year for instance, I specifically did not invite my girlfriend over for Easter lunch because I knew that we would be having the Hunt. While it would have been fun to run about with her, I really didn't want her to see my pitiful performance. It was a good move on my part as I came in last with a paltry 11 eggs. And the caper was that last year, we forgoed the traditional candy for coins and gift cards and I ended up with a 14 measly cents...

But this year, oh this year was different. I not only made a good showing, but dare I say it... UPSET CITY! That's right, after putting away my standard three helpings (I really don't understand why we have to do the Hunt immediately after eating) I managed to snare 20 Eggs. That was good enough for 2nd place, behind cousin Brian and tied with Megan and Jessica*

While I know that Easter is a religious holiday, spending time with my family, sharing stories and eating great food is what is important to me. That and ham: sweet glorious honey-baked, spiral cut ham.

*Ages withheld to protect the integrity of the game.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Note-to-self: cut back on Wendy's runs

I think I had some kind of emotional reaction and almost vomited just from reading this.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

What gives?

While Monday was the official start of spring and I have already seen people sipping at their DD iced coffees, my weatherbug is telling me that there is a chance for snow tonight: 1 to 3 inches likely to continue into the morning commute.

The one saving grace of this winter-aftershock is the opportunity to wear my new parka. I got an amazing deal on it
(retail: $170) and it really desearves to be shown in a digital format, but I don't have a camera at the moment and I don't feel like scouring the web for one. But it has one of those fur collars that make me look like a cross between an eskimo and a B-boy hipster.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A fair bonnie lass

Alright this happened to me last week, but without question it needs to be shared. The reason that I held out for so long was the risk of jinxing myself (like talking to a pitcher during a no-hitter), but this occasion definitely achieved epic, slow motion movie-moment status.

I was walking down Boylston on my way to class last Thursday when I reached into my pocket for a cigarette. (Keep in mind that this was St. Patrick's Day.) I didn't have a lighter or any matches on me, (I never do, I'm not a smoker) so as I'm looking for someone to ask, as this utterly stunning creature steps out of a coffee house and lights herself a Camel. Now this girl was totally in my wheel-house, down to the green apron and all. So I ask her if I can have a light. Her response, "It's going to cost you." Now this is the point where I would mutter something and walk away. But instead, without missing a beat I say,
"How about I buy you a Shamrock Shake?" (Ah, now it makes sense) "Well I should actually get back to my shift soon, but how about a Guinness afterwards, instead?"

Caught of guard? Totally. Taken aback? Without question. Intrigued and amused? Oh my god, yes!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Just downed two DayQuils with coffee. I'm sure my stomach will be feeling the ramifications in a few hours, but at least I'll know the cause of my first ulcer won't be stress-induced. I love it when my immune system decides to shut down just in time for the weekend... again!

But I'm not too upset, Erin is making her way into town tonight. I'm totally stoked to see her. It's only been a few months, but that's definitely too long. That's what happens when your best friends are scattered across the country. Plans for the night include dinner at one of the fine Legal Seafoods in the area. I made reservations at four of them and which ever one we happen to be by, that is where we will dine. Some people might say that this is wrong and unfair to the restaurant and fellow dinners, but everyone should know that, much like monogamy and bi-annual dental visits, reservations are not set in stone. Either way I hope that Erin's in the mood for chowder.

Also, hope to catch a bit more of the Tourney games today/tonight. I think my bracket is pretty much shot so I'll be rooting for just about every Cinderella and against BC and UConn. As long as I win the heads-up bracket with the roomies I'll be all set. If Vermont makes it to the Sweet 16 (Jule's call) I'll never live it down.

Yesterday turned out to be pretty sweet. Was able to polish off quite a bit of work early and catch some of the Tourney action before heading off to class where Marie and I really nailed our Stanley Tools' spots. Whenever an AE says that your idea was one that they were bandying about actually using, you gotta feel good.

The Tender Crisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch

This amuses me like no other. Go here for streams of buttermilk bacon dressing flowing right up to your knees...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I shouldn't even be here today

It goes with out saying but Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! May your days be filled with Guiness, U2, corned beef & cabbage, shamrock shakes, Irish Springs and all things made holy today. And to all the non-Irish out there Happy Tournament Day. Sadly, Notre Dame did not make it to the Dance, but in fine Irish form will be sitting at home nursing a pint after being knocked out of the NIT the previous night. And for the more studious of you, there's Big Mac, Sammy, Canseco and Schilling's testimony to Congress today regarding steroids.

So all in all, a day tailor-made to be planted in front of a TV somewhere, knocking back a pint or two. For anyone who is partaking in the holidays, I wish I was with you. For everyone sitting in an office somewhere like me, my heart goes out to you and let me be the first one to say to you...
magically delicious, my ass.

And while we're at it let's get my picks down in print. Final Four of Wake, Illinois, UNC and Kentucky with Wake over UK for the championship. Sorry about that Ashley Judd, but I see good things for the Demon Deacons.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Untitled: Part 4 of 12

Open on a college classroom. Professor and 17 kids.
So what's your favorite meal?
Professor it's still steak.
Oh, ok. I guess we already did favorite foods. Well how about your favorite movie then?
Ok. My favorite movie is Braveheart.
Good good. Now what's your favorite movie?
I would have to say mine is Clerks.
Yeah! Good movie.
[cue laugh track]
And what is your favorite movie Mike?
(I guess I was wrong about that guy. I like that movie too. Still a smart-ass though.)

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Perfectly legal

You may remember her as Buffy's little sister or the nubile coed from Eurtrip, but I want to be the first one on the "Michelle Trachtenberg as The Next Absolutely Attainable Hottie" train. Michelle has managed to make the often hazardous transition from child star to fetching actress with ablomp.

Be a sport, take your kid sister and her friends to see Michelle on the big screen in The Ice Princess this Friday.

Another recap because I can't be bothered to write more frequently

While I really can't wait for the first inklings of spring, the incessant complaining and weather-related malaise that I have been hearing from others is what is really getting to me. I know it's cold, gross, unbearable and impossible to leave your home without an extra few layers, but it's not as if it was unexpected. Either a) buy a warmer coat or b) go on vacation. Buying stuff or going somewhere else, both more productive options than grousing. With that being said, this New England wintering hasn't stopped me from enjoying myself of late.

In Cliff's Notes summary:

Wed: An after work meeting with my prof to go over my portfolio that turned into an unexpected night of drinking beers and talking shop. His agency just scored the ESPN account and everyone was in high spirits.

Thu: A night of firsts for me. Experienced my first Iron Chef Louie's and cigar bar. Impressed a nicotine-addled au par and Carl
from Milwaukee with my pseudo-Boston accent. Nothing beats a drunken shake the baby joke, nothing. Was the unsuspecting victim of a pool hustler.

Fri: PAYDAY! Tequila slushies with Krissy, Alex, random people and pair of Queens. While not laughing at inside
jokes, Alex and I discussed as much basketball as humanely possible between bites of Tex-Mex. Ambled off to sushi/sake bar. Karoeke did not ensue.

Sat: Roommate bond-a-thon with Julie: 2. Didn't play video games, got a fish. His name is Snax. Then off to a wine and cheese tasting while giving Jason vs. Freddy the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 treatment.

Sun: Sleep, clean, Bracketology.

Friday, March 11, 2005

friday morning

There's something to be said about the sanctity of a cubicle wall. Namely an attempt at keeping the incessant droning of my office mates to a minimum and to hide the fact that I am nursing a late night-induced headache. But seriously folks, if I hear one more thing about the digestive cycle of someone else's kid I think I will be the one to violently vomit. It's not even 9 AM yet but these are but a few of the gems that I have managed to overhear, "they say it's not supposed to be as bad when it's your kid," "yeah, but it's still bad," "smells bad enough to knock a donkey out," (WTF???) and "separate washes of course."

And seriously I think the only thing that is going to get me through the day is the incredibly greasy breakfast I'm eating (homefries, no eggs, double bacon) and the fact that it annoys my ever-so-healthy, middle-aged coworkers.

I'm running on fumes. But the weekend sure is dreamy.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


I'm doing my best to not pay attention to the Michael Jackson sexual abuse trial going on right now because quite frankly he is one weird dude that let his sick tendencies destroy his life and his legend. But with that being said is it wrong to be listening to the "Bad" album on my i-tunes?

Friday, March 04, 2005

So I'm sitting at home right now writing this and I feel really guilty. I've been working less than two months and I've already taken a sick day. I've been fighting this cold for the past few days and was pretty much useless at work yesterday.

Funny, how I've gone literally the entire winter without getting a cold and as soon as my health insurance kicks in I end up in the sick tank. It was inevitable though. Both J & K have had colds over the past week and I haven't really been taking care of myself that well of late. Staying up to late and not getting enough sleep, drinking and smoking too much, going outside without a hat on, you know the drill. It's one of those colds where I can feel my immune system literally shutting down. It's not a full-blown onset yet, but I'm self-medicating with massive amounts of OJ and vitamins just for preventable measure. Actually you know what it was? It was waiting outside for Red Sox tickets a week or so back. I guess that was worth it, but to realize it was from that, the same day I got my credit card bill for the tix is a kick in the pants.

Oh well, I'm heading back to my parent's house some R&R and Chinese soup in about half an hour so I figure I should recap the past week while I can.

Monday - COM young alumni event at Vox. Met a few friendly faces, some new some old. The event was not nearly as good as the holiday party, but I expected that. We were supposedly going to be hit with a snowstorm that night and it was a Monday afterall. But I'd say the main reason was the lack of food, which was due to the lack of open bar, thus the lack of people. What can you do? Good news: chatted up a cute '04 for her digits. Bad: I think some dude was hitting on me and he opened with, "I had class with your sister." I'm assuming he thought that I was related to Danielle Kwan, sister of figure skater Michelle, but I'm an only child. F@#$ing whitebread thinking all Asians are spelled the same.

Tuesday - So I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of work. I'd have to say that the first month or so I was just getting the hang of things, but the last few weeks I have been left to my own devices and I'm handling it. The thing that really did it for me was our monthly writers' meetings, where we discussed our Brand Voice. It all just sunk in: This is what I went to school for and I wasn't doing silly busy work anymore. I'm working at a real agency. Granted it's not my dream creative boutique, but yeah. And it beats the hell out of what I was doing 90 days ago.

Wednesday - A lovely dinner/adventure with "Sally". Tried this Thai restaurant right by her place that was incredibly tasty. I took the advice of the Phantom Gourmet and went with the Panang Duck, she went with the Drunken Noodles. Very impressive on her part. (So here's some background info: I've had a mini-crush on "Sally" throughout college, but the both of us always seemed to have respective girlfriends/boyfriends.
But now... we had a really good time and we are both single. I don't know if we're firmly entrenched in the friends category, but hanging out with her is a lot better than staying home watching Shovel Guy out my bedroom window. )

By the time we had finished eating it was only 9 and that's when the hijinx ensued. "Sally" had to run an "errand", aka bringing her underage sister a bottle of wine so I accompanied her. And when I say bottle I mean a 64 oz. Ocean Spray bottle filled with some leftover boxed-wine. The rest of the night was spent hanging out at some freshmen dorm at BC, as w
e were repaid with Rice Krispy Treats, mozzarella sticks, raisins and the witty banter of 19 year old girls. Ah the slippery slope...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Touching history

Mike & the ball

and that's the way it happened...