Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Where's the bling at?

So this guy:

is sampling these guys:

in his latest single.

In April of 1999 Mase, Puff Daddy's anointed golden child, left the glamorous world of hip hop behind; making an abrupt about face, turning to a new found spirituality. Mase, born Mason Betha, said no to a life of celebrity, bling bling, Cristal and hoes, instead seeking something greater.

"This is the realest thing you've ever seen," he said. "I'm walking away from this not knowing where my next job is coming from. That's how much I believe in myself. You want a role model? I'm gonna show you what role models do."

Suffice it to say that Mase has made his triumphant (MTV fueled) return to mainstream music in the form of his latest single, Welcome Back. Yes, the spiritual unrest is over. He is a man now at peace with the world and joy appears to be in his heart.

Wow, just learned something new

I guess that's how you post pictures.

Bathroom talk

I'm all for being a friendly guy and all, but why do people insist on giving me a smile when I pass them on the way to the bathroom at work. This isn't a bar, there doesn't need to be any chit chat or small talk. Do they know something I don't. My fly is up, I didn't wet myself. I just don't get it.

I think in retaliation I am going to be leaving the seat up at all time and opening the window, which faces across from another building.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Spoiling myself

Been feeling down kind of lately so I decided to extend my hour lunch break and take a walk to Down Town Crossing. Nothing like a little afternoon stroll/shopping extravaganza to brighten the mood. I scored myself a pair of designer shades (knock off of course), a coupon for a Quizno's sub (Hepatitis scares tends to drive business away) and a medium Frosty from Wendy's. Ah material excess, if the feeling wasn't so fleeting...

Monday, June 28, 2004

I have nipples can you milk me?

By no means would I consider myself a ladies man. In fact I often refer to myself, and have been refereed to, as being "as smooth as broken glass" when it comes to the fairer sex. But I have had encounters with my fair share of lady friends and have observed that like snowflakes no two female bodys are alike. With that being said, I am curious to see what you the reader (both male and female, alike) are fond of when regarding the color of a nipple.

We know that they come in three distinct shades: pink, tan and brown. I don't know if color is a direct reflection of race, but essentially these are the three categories I am going with.

Personally I favor a tan nipples, slightly darker than the surrounding skin tone. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Happy Birthday Erin

Happy 24th Erin. Can't wait to see you next week. Love ya!

Setbacks for Asian Americans in my lifetime

Sulu - the age of Star Trek was supposed to be egalitarian, but the Asian officer got the shaft.

Long Duk Dong - Gedde Watanabe, of Sixteen Candles fame, haunts Asian American guys to this day.

William Hung - People laugh at him, not with him.

Yan Can Cook - Yellowface lives!

James Iha - Can a rock star be any wimpier?

Tiger Woods - What has Tiger done for Asians? NOTHING

Shih-Tzus - These dogs are not cool in any way.

Hideki Irabu - The (damn) Yankee bust, almost turned the tide created by Hideo Nomo and other Japanese imports.

courtesy of Giant Robot, issue 33
Happy 10 Year Anniversary!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

an old friend

I am never a person to hold grudges. I may pout, stew, and whine, but bygones tend to be bygones. For those of you who have known me for some time may recall my "falling out" with Krissy.

I meet her my junior year at BU and we immediately hit it off. We were in the same major and shared many a class together. We even lived in the same building, so we were able to walk to and from class with each other. It seems that people thought that we should have been dating. She was definitely a cute girl, but I was dating Lauren at the time (big mistake) and she was dating this guy Jake. In hindsight Lauren and Jake were made for each other: both Jewish and incredibly, horrifically anal.

Long story short... Do not let friends borrow money. Loaning your best friends money is no biggie, because things like that tend to even out. A drink here, grabbing the check there. But when you front someone a $300 plane ticket, you had be better making the "amore". That was the summer after graduation, so almost two years ago and we haven't spoken since then. A few weeks ago we were both put in the awkward position of meeting up. Our common friend Matt (my boy) was the mediator of this little get together and through him we realized how silly and petty this all was. I was nervous, she was nervous. We should have dated, it sure felt like meeting an ex.

A few margaritas later and it was just like the good old days at BU. Krissy is one crazy "craka" who I am glad is back in my life.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

it's the little things that count

I have been working at the Hive for just over two months and have refilled the water cooler at least four different times. I just go in day after day and give %110.

Monday, June 14, 2004

red scare

I'm for marketing and innovation just as much as the next guy, probably more than the next guy (I'm an advertising junkie), but this new Coke is out of control. Can't a guy check his email without being invaded by the Red Army? Go to the MSN homepage and see; it's scary... red everywhere.

Friday, June 11, 2004

today's cosmic mumbo jumbo

Here is a smattering of my horscopes today:

"There's no end to the things you've yet to learn -- book-knowledge and otherwise."

"Drama is the sharpest tool in your drawer. Going for full visibility and perfect pitch instantly makes you the tallest thing in the landscape. You're so bright and loud that you're a magnet for interesting people and events. As far as you're concerned, strange is good and bizarre is better. Every odd angle and unintended consequence is brimming with possible adventure. And you're not especially concerned about the trail of disorder that you leave behind you. It's good for neighbors and witnesses to have their world reconfigured from time to time. You're making quite a name for yourself."

"You could do some traveling over short distances today, mike. You'll enjoy being on the road, attending to unfinished business. Or you might visit a friend. You'll be around some new faces and experimenting with some new relationships. Just present yourself in your usual friendly, professional way, and then you'll be appreciated wherever you go. You'll enjoy introducing yourself and networking your socks off, so keep some business cards handy!"

Well that settles it, the weekend will be good!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Big game tonight

It has come to my attention that a lot of people are rooting for the Detroit Pistons in the NBA Finals. And for the life of me I don't know why. Watching the Pistons play basketball is reminiscent of having a root canal.

Detroit cannot and will not win a NBA title because of the following reasons:

1). You cannot win without at least two bona fide "I will tell my children how I saw X play" superstars (let alone not a single one). You can’t win against history.

2) Darko Millic will have more championship rings than T-Mac, AI, KG, J Kidd, and Paul Pierce combined. Not to mention the Mailman, Chuck Wagon, Stockton, and Ewing

3) Rasheed will be invited to the White House. That's got "incident" written all over it.

4) David Stern does not want the Pistons to win. And what David Stern wants he gets.

5) Ben Wallace will appear on a box of Wheaties. He's got one ugly mug.

6) Darko again…

7) No team since 1979 has won a title without one of the NBA's 50 Greatest Players on the roster. Once again, history will stymie the Pistons.

8) Kobe Bryant. Who else would you rather have taking a game winning shot?

9) Larry Brown is a nice guy and all, but “It’s not team policy to foul in that situation.” Come on?

10) Shaq. The Wallaces’ can’t stop him; they can only hope to contain him.

Showtime in six.


wicked fun

My boy Matt arrives at Logan in less than 20 hours. I haven't been this excited since Rib-B-Que Day in high school.

Viva la Sox/Dodgers, Beer and Wing It Weekend!

urban renewal

Everyone morning I trek the same path to work. Get off at South Station, walk across the bridge, turn down the street, right into the building and up an ungodly four flights of stairs. This past Monday, I was greeted with the unpleasant sight of a dead pigeon. This bird did not die of natural causes mind you (although I have seen pigeons fall out of the sky before, perishing of heat exhaustion), but it looks to have been hit by a motor vehicle. Beats me how a bird can get hit by a car, the whole flying thing and all, but SPLAT. Dead as can be. Flat as can be, too. I degress...

It's been a gradual process that I only realized today. No one really makes an effort to step around the carcass anymore. It seems that the bird has become one with the pavement. There is no more blood or goo. Only a few feathers.

Urban renewal at its finest.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Don't worry it happens to a lot of guys.

Happy Belated Birthday Jason, Mr. Quarter Century.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

rock and a hard place

DISCLAIMER: This has nothing to do with my present situation.

You know what I hate, when you are in the beginning stages, less than 90 days (it's like waiting until you get health/dental benefits at work) of dating someone and a major gift giving relationship holiday (V Day, Christmas, Chanukah, etc.), or worse a birthday, rears its ugly head. Do you have to get the significant other something? Yes, you do. But why? Well it's come to my understanding that only women and third world dictators consider their post teenage year birthdays to be national events.

And what to get? This is a dilemma that may very well establish gift-giving etiquette for the tenure of the relationship. It goes without saying, get a bad gift (i.e. too cheap, no consideration) and you'll find yourself in a hole so deep you'll be lucky to get out in time for next season's Opening Day. On the flip side, if you get an over extravagantly luxurious gift you can either a) scare her off for moving too fast. Or worse b) set the precedent of always having to break the bank on any trivial gift giving holiday, such as Secretary's day, Arbor Day, Day Light Savings Time Day and days of similar ilk.

My advice something cute, yet funny, and shows that you are thinking of her. Try to incorporate it into one of your first few dates. If you went to the aquarium, a stuffed penguin perhaps. And please save the mega exorbitant bling bling for the special occasions or get out of jail free cards (see Kobe Bryant).

Thanks for humoring me.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

today's stimulation

Mind Candy: Join Me by brit Danny Wallace

Ear Candy: Akrobatic's debut album Balance

Eye Candy: Lindsey Lohan

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

sweet and 99% fat free

My breakfast meets the National Yogurt Association's criterion for Live and Active Cultures.

If you too would like to enjoy the taste of Live and Active Cultures please call 1-800-967-5248.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

95 northbound

After a nine and a half hour drive there are few things that feel as good as a nice hot shower and a bowl of clam chowder.

Finally back home.